4 Cargo and Mail Security (Moderator TBC) Implementation of cargo and mail security measures ECAC (Confirmed) Outcomes of the joint AFCAC-ECAC “Case Project” Workshop on Cargo and Mail Security Addis Ababa, 17-18 July, 2019 Host State Ethiopia Discussion Participants Sponsor 4 TBC (Presentation 15 mins) 5
Title: AFCAC-ECAC WORKSHOP ON CARGO SECURITY Author: vmuraca Created Date: 3/13/2017 11:11:13 PM
Regional Seminar ACAO-AFCAC-ECAC on Cyber Security and innovation Marrakech ACAO/AACO Noise workshop 14-16 May 2020 TBD ACAO/ECAC Cargo Security workshop 17
2 1 2 1 A Risk Management Workshop was held under the auspices of ECAC and AFCAC/ within the framework of the CASE Project of ECACin Feb 2017 , in Dakar, Senegal Crisis Management Procedures will form part of the workshop planned for the 2nd quarter of 2018
Title: AFCAC-ECAC WORKSHOP ON CARGO SECURITY Author: vmuraca Created Date: 3/13/2017 11:11:13 PM
ACAO/ECAC Cargo Security workshop 17-19 June 2020 TBD ACAO/EURNAT/IATA Workshop on State Action Plan and estimation of environmental benefits TBD Rabat ACAO/ECAC Landside Security 2-4 December 2020 Agadir Threats in Aviation Security Workshop 8-12 April 2020 Marrakech DGCA-MID/5 Fifth Meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation - Middle East Region Kuwait 4-6
Security Equipment and Technology 6-7 September 2016 Dakar, Senegal organised jointly with AFCAC (and support of CAA Senegal) 39 participants from 19 Partner States Risk Management 23-24 January 2017 Dakar, Senegal organised jointly with AFCAC 37 participants from 29 Partner States Cargo and Mail Security 12-13 April 2017 Maputo, Mozambique