4 National Accelerator Laboratory BABAR was designed 5 to study CP violation and other rare decays in flavor 6 physics from events produced at or near the Υ reso-7 nances, from 9 46 GeV to over 11 GeV A critical re-8 quirement for meeting BABAR’s science goals was the 9 ability to efficiently and accuratelydetect stable charged
N P Sobenin XX Inter Workshop on Charged Particle Acce lerators, Ukraine, Alushta, Proceedings of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea WEPMB006 07 Accelerator Technology T07 Superconducting RF ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2 2127 authors
The source of electrons is an electron accelerator (PHIL) developed at the Laboratoire de l’Acce´le´rateur Line´aire (LAL) and presented in the next section The calibration of the detectors is fundamental in order to obtain an accurate measurement of the fluorescence yield 3 2 PHIL: the electron Beam
supersymmetric particle (LSP) is stable because of R-parity conservation [4 ] From cosmological argu- ments [5 ] the LSP is expected to be colourless and neutral and it turns out that it interacts only weakly with matter because of the exchange of a heavy su- persymmetric particle Thus the LSP behaves like a